Our Curriculum

We believe in nurturing all aspects of our children, and give them the best learning experience. We have a thoroughly planned curriculum that actively involves the child in the learning process for developing skills that will develop long love of learning and success.

Our curriculum approach encourages the children to foster the child’s curiosity about the topics taken up in the class. Lessons and activities are planned observing the interests, to which the MILESS elements are incorporated.

Our Curriculum Framework

This focusses on developing early literacy skills through fun and interactive activities to develop their interests and increase engagement in reading and writing
Children learn better and longer when exposed to stories, books, children’s literature. The module is designed to nurture the child’s interests in different languages by making it enjoyable. This module focusses on developing language communication skills, particularly in listening, speaking, reading and writing
For us, numbers are fun when you connect with it. This module focusses on helping the child go beyond the 1,2,3….and introducing them to practical concepts with hands on activities
We are an ardent believer in the saying that curiosity is the fuel for inquiry, learning and discovery. And, at our school this is followed every time with each of the lessons, activities planned in a way that will lead to an enquiry exploration, and boost the child’s thinking skills
Music plays a very important role by activating every area of brain, and promoting intellectual, social and emotional development in children. Each music lesson promotes happy mind, playful growth and creativity
Children are encouraged to engage in specially crafted theatre activities. Through practical, creative theatrical activities, children are given an opportunity to nurture their creative, imaginative, social, emotional, thinking, communicative and problem-solving skills
Healthy food leads to healthy mind! Through this module children not only are introduced to different facets of cooking, but also learn healthy eating habits, and give them an opportunity to observe, explore and think
This module involves the children in different fitness activities specially designed for our early learners by expert fitness coaches that involve music and sports based equipments to create a lifelong passion for healthy living
Kids today are exposed to technology at every aspect, and will widen with time to come. This module strikes the right balance in developing technological alertness and fostering digital literacy and cyber maturity in children through planned and proper engagement of tools and information of learning. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be an important part of this learning module
In the tight held world, we have crafted unique parent-child bond initiatives where we give an opportunity to parents and other family members to connect with the child. Together, let us make memories that will stay with us in our tough times at work and life, and bring our children closer to us to develop an invincible bond for life!
It is said that travel teaches the best lessons and gives the best experiences. So, set your sails and gear up to travel with us in an exciting, inspiring way
Nature is the best teacher and we want our children to learn from things around them. So, with great support from the nature and experts in the respective fields, let’s explore and connect with experiences that nature has bestowed upon us

Active learning for a positive mindset
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